Danvers State Hospital

The Danvers State Hospital, also known as the State Lunatic Hospital at Danvers, The Danvers Lunatic Asylum, and The Danvers State Insane Asylum, was a psychiatric hospital located in Danvers, Massachusetts.

Dybbuk Box

The Dybbuk Box (or Dibbuk Box) is the commonly used name of a wine cabinet which is said to be haunted by a dybbuk, a spirit from Jewish folklore. The box achieved recognition after it was auctioned on eBay with an accompanying horror story.

WTC Building 7

The old 7 World Trade Center was a 47-story skyscraper that stood across Vesey Street north of the main part of the World Trade Center site (a new building has since been erected on the site of the old and opened in May 2006). Though not hit by a plane, it was hit by debris […]


The Mothman is a creature reportedly seen in the Point Pleasant area of West Virginia from November 12, 1966, to December 1967.Most observers describe the Mothman as a man-sized creature with large reflective red eyes and large wings. The creature was sometimes reported as having no head, with its eyes set into its chest. A […]

The Marfa Lights

The Marfa lights or the Marfa ghost lights are unexplained lights (known as “ghost lights”) usually seen near U.S. Route 67 on Mitchell Flat east of Marfa, Texas, in the United States.


SICSIC is an anonymous secret society and pep squad for Bowling Green State University. History SICSIC was formed on October 5, 1946 by then University President Frank J. Prout as a secret, anonymous booster organization to promote more campus spirit. President Prout selected the first six members from The Key, Bowling Green’s annual yearbook, and invited […]